About Us
Law Firm
Perez-Carrera & Co.
We are a professional law firm established in Panama City with more than 20 years of experience, which is oriented towards an international clientele. With the goal of meeting the highest quality standards of customer service, providing comprehensive advice in our different areas of work, ensuring that the client is always supported and protected by law.
Our office is mainly specialized in efficiently meeting the needs of its clients, with an infrastructure that allows us to provide immediate solutions for all types of legal services especially in the fields of maritime law, immigration law, real estate, tax law, trademarks and copyrights; taking the advantage of Panama’s location as the main banking, financial and business center in Latin America.
We have years of building solid relationships with clients and correspondents worldwide, which is why we invite you to visit our website and discover about the legal services we can provide you.

Why Choose Us?
Years of Experience
Our extensive experience helps us to effectively meet your needs.
staff Professionals
We have a great qualified staff, ready to help you.
Practice Areas
Experts in various areas, ranging from maritime to real estate.
Constant Advice
We guide and inform about what services or paths to take in order to achieve the objectives.
Professional Quality
Our intention is to offer quality services for our clients.
Speed In Solution
The response time and case resolution is a vital factor of our services.
Practice Areas
Panama Corporations
We have vast experience in companies incorporation, with Panama being one of the preferred IBC's due to the multiple advantages and tax benefits they offer.
Offshore Corporations
We provide various corporate services to international clients through the creation of companies in recognized jurisdictions, with the greatest flexibility and confidentiality at the lowest costs.
Private Interest Foundations
We offer the creation of private interest foundations in Panama, providing a solution to a global need for accessibility, anonymity, flexibility and equity planning.
Maritime Law
We provide services in the maritime field, from ship flagging, to radio license contracts and other necessary documents with the intention of improving your operations.
Immigration law
We have vast experience in this area of law, offering advice on various immigration procedures, in accordance with the law, taking into account the needs of each client.
Trademark Registration
We provide services and advice in the areas of trademark registration, patents, intellectual property, copyright and infringements.
Real Estate Law
At Perez-Carrera & Co, we have experience in advising clients in the acquisition and administration of real estate in the Republic of Panama.
Tax Law
We provide advice in the conformation and operation of your business and personal assets, in strict compliance with Panamanian law.
Banking Services
Our firm refers our clients to solid and well-established banks, which offer all the security, comfort and banking services that our clients need.